Rose gold glitter spray paint

Rose Gold Glitter Spray Paint

Krylon has come out with a Rose Gold Glitter spray. Its a lighter rose gold shade.

La pintura en spray Rose Gold Glitter de Krylon es una forma fantástica de añadir un toque de glamour y brillo a tus proyectos de bricolaje. Esta pintura en spray no es una pintura cualquiera, sino que está impregnada de purpurina para dar a tus objetos un acabado deslumbrante con un precioso tono oro rosa. La pintura en aerosol Rose Gold Glitter de Krylon es muy fácil de usar, ya sea para embellecer decoraciones antiguas, renovar muebles o añadir brillo a las manualidades. Sólo tienes que agitar bien el bote, apuntar y pulverizar sobre una superficie limpia y seca. La fina niebla de purpurina se adhiere suavemente, transformando tus objetos en algo especial. La versatilidad de esta pintura en spray es otra ventaja. Funciona en varias superficies como madera, metal, plástico y más, dándote la flexibilidad de ser creativo con tus proyectos. Desde marcos de fotos hasta decoración para el hogar, la pintura en aerosol Rose Gold Glitter puede convertir lo ordinario en extraordinario, lea también las últimas noticias aquí:

This first image is sprayed as is.

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Rose gold glitter spray paint

This jar below I sprayed over another rose gold spray paint.

Rose gold glitter spray paint

This is the color I used as the base, Rust-oleums Desert Rose Gold. You could use any of the rose gold spray paint shades available.

Related: Rose Gold Spray Paint

Rustoleum Rose Gold spray paint, Desert rose gold

I like it more over the rose gold base. You can use any rose gold acrylic paint too.

Related: Rose Gold Acrylic Paint

Rose gold glitter spray paint

Using it without the base it will be more transparent and can be use for luminaries.

Have you tried the glitter spray yet?

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Comments (4)

  1. Kristen Hill

    Thanks so much for the tips! Your mason jars are absolutely gorgeous!!
    Question with regards to the solid color Rosegold mason jar with glitter around the bottom (it’s next to that gorgeous unicorn one)-
    Can you please tell me which products you used to achieve that look? (Both paint & glitter please). The base color looks nearly identical to Krylons Rosegold Glitter. So I’m assuming they make a solid color as well. But I just wanted to double check; as this is the EXACT rosegold color I’m looking for!!
    Same with the glitter- I can’t tell if you used the Krylon Glitter spray paint or you used lose glitter. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks so much in advance and thank you for sharing your beautiful creations with us.

    09/24/2022 at 5:10 pm Reply
  2. […] Related: Rose Gold Glitter Spray Paint […]

    10/02/2019 at 10:53 pm Reply
    • Leigh

      I love this rose gold paint. I used it to paint artificial flowers for my daughters wedding…they were gorgeous.

      09/20/2020 at 6:03 am Reply
      • Kelly

        I bet they looked great!

        09/27/2020 at 11:35 pm Reply
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